Professor Lung-Ji Chang has deeply engaged in translational research for years and directly involved in developing clinically applicable products including immune cells and stem cells. One of the key stem cell products, the fetal mesenchymal stem cells (fMSCs) has demonstrated high immunomodulatory properties, which has clinical applications in treating autoimmune diseases, controlling graft-versus-host disease, as well as rejuvenating the body cells with tissue repairing activities.

Traditional stem cells have limitations in terms of the reliability of cell sources, sub-culturing, and the issue of continuous standardized mass production. Moreover, allogeneic stem cells cannot circumvent the problems of non-reproducibility and continued cell source risks. Professor Chang has accumulated years of experiences in research institutions in the US and Canada, and has conducted research in fMSCs for the development of safe and reliable stem cell products. After many years of continued safety and functionality tests, it is now possible to manufacture and formulate high-purity and high-safety fMSC products in bulk quantities without the need for fresh embryonic tissues. Thus, the key problem of inconsistent MSC sources and constant safety issues with fresh tissue sources have been finally overcome.