Q-1:我是极度过敏性肌肤,对很多化妆保养品都会过敏,请问龙优娃产品容易造成皮肤过敏吗? I have extremely sensitive skin, and I am allergic to many cosmetics and maintenance products. Can LONGYUVA products cause any skin reactions?
A-1:产品研发过程中已特别将一般常见过敏成分自配方中移除,且经数十位过敏肤质者亲身测试后并无过敏性反应,虽然引起皮肤过敏的可能性极低,但还是请使用者初次使用前先少量(一二滴)涂抹在洗净的手背上简单测试一日,如果没有引起过敏反应,那合理推断龙优娃产品对您应该不会诱发皮肤过敏。 In product development, those known common allergy-causing ingredients have been eliminated from the formula, and there have been no allergic reactions reported after being tested by dozens of volunteers who are prone to allergic reactions. Although the possibility of having skin allergy is low, it is advised to apply a small amount (one or two drops) on the back of hand the day before using this product for the first time. If no reaction is seen, it can be reasonably assumed that LONGYUVA products would not cause allergic reaction to you.Q-2:为何龙优娃产品建议要置入冷藏保存? Why it is recommended to keep the LONGYUVA products in a refrigerator for longer storage?
A-2:一般化妆保养品必须添加防腐剂才能常温长期保存,但是少数人对极低量防腐剂也可能产生皮肤过敏现象,龙优娃含有复合生物因子与玻尿酸的天然防腐成分,采用小容量包装,建议尽量将产品保存于冷藏环境以维持生物长期稳定性。 Most cosmetic products contain preservatives so can be stored at room temperature for long term. However, some people are sensitive to even very low amount of such preservatives. The LONGYUVA products contain only natural anti-microbial ingredients and hyaluronic acid. Thus, for prolonged storage, it is recommended to keep this product in a refrigerated environment to achieve the best biological stability.Q-3:我是严重青春痘痤疮患者,脸上伤口不少,请问龙优娃产品会刺激伤口吗? I have a severe type of acne skin, easy to develop facial reactions; could LONGYUVA products further irritate the condition?
A-3:有伤口皮肤不建议使用此类产品。龙优娃产品不含酒精也不具刺激性,配方成分对无伤口青春痘或痤疮,或有一定的帮助。 The LONGYUVA product is not recommended for wounded skin. This product does not contain alcohol or other irritating ingredients, and its formula may help improve skin condition from pimples or acne.Q-4:我的发际线逐年后退,头发逐渐稀少,请问龙优娃产品有帮助吗? My hairline recedes year by year, and my hair is thinning gradually. Does LONGYUVA product help?
A-4:龙优娃产品是护肤产品,尚未针对生发作用进行研发。LONGYUVA products are skin care products and have not been tested for hair growth.Q-5:请问龙优娃产品对皮肤烧伤烫伤有帮助吗? Can LONGYUVA product improve skin inflammation issue?
A-5:皮肤烧烫伤请咨询医疗相关专业人员。龙优娃产品配方中的复合生长因子,有滋润肌肤的性质。 Please consult a medical professional for inflammation condition. The formula of LONGYUVA has the properties of moisturizing the skin.Q-6:该产品适合什么肤质使用? What skin type is this product suitable for?
A-6:龙优娃配方温和且作用多元,适合不同肤质。干性肤质可借由其强大保湿力缓解干燥缺水;油性肤质使用后不会产生油腻负担,能调节肌肤水油平衡;无酒精、香料等刺激成分,可舒缓肌肤不适。 LONGYUVA formula is mild and versatile, suitable for different skin types. Dry skin can relieve dryness and dehydration by its strong moisturizing power; oily skin may reduce its greasy burden after use, with moisturizing and oil balance effects; it does not contain alcohol, scent minerals and other irritating ingredients, and thus can relieve skin discomfort.Q-7:为何龙优娃产品有改善肤质的现象? How can LONGYUVA products improve skin quality?
A-7:龙优娃产品不是药物,配方中采用高级玻尿酸,保湿功能强,在皮肤表层形成的隔离透气保护膜也较持久,加上含有复合生物因子滋润成分,使皮肤呼吸增加而正常代谢,会形成类似洗脸清洁皮肤后的紧绷感。 The product is not a medicine and the formula adopts advanced hyaluronic acid with strong moisturizing function, and forms a breathable protective film on the skin surface, which is durable; plus it contains complex biological factors and moisturizing ingredients, allowing for increased breathing and balanced metabolism, to form a tight feeling similar to washing the skin after cleaning.Q-8:使用后多久能看到产品效果? How long does it take to see an effect after use?
A-8:因个人的肤质和使用情况不同,使用效果显现的时间也有差异。一般来说,持续使用几天,就可以看到保湿效果,不同功效或需不同时长。 Due to different skin type and application conditions, the time for the beneficial effects to appear is also different. In general, after it is used for a few days, one can see the moisturizing effect, and the time it takes to achieve beneficial effects may differ.